Dec 19, 2021
'Ingridients: Spring Roll sheet Eggs Tuna fish spring onion chopped onion salt chicken powder garlic powder Preparation: • Prepare the filling by adding tuna fish, chopped onions, spring onions, chicken powder, garlic powder and salt in eggs and stir them well. • Warm up some oil in a pan or in a large skillet. Now assemble the martabak. Place the spring roll sheet on the skillet. Place 2-3 spoons of filling into the centre of the sheet and arrange it into a square form. Then, fold the dough. Fold the right side and the left side, then the upper one and finally the bottom one. • Heat some oil in a frying pan, then cook the folded martabak for 3-4 minutes on each side. • Cut into smaller pieces and serve with hot sauce. #tunafishandeggmartabak #eggmartabak #martabaktuna #martabaktelur #caramembuatmartabaktelur #carabikinmartabaktelurtuna #indonesianstreetfood #resepmartabaktelur #cuisinewithsunarsih #indonesianpancake #tunafishmartabak'See also: